Working With Me

Here is how it works:

We will be uncovering blocks, limiting beliefs and patterns where you that are holding yourself back from fully living life from your abundant feminine self.

We will embracing the flow of our female cycles so you can be more creative, get more rest and feel more vibrant than ever.

The fist half of your cycle we will be expanding, moving and stretching your embodiment of the feminine. The second half of your cycle we will dive inwards, uncovering and unblocking limiting beliefs and rewriting patterns that have you stuck in stiff low self worth masculine energy.

We will work to cleanse the body and support balanced hormones through nutrition, seed cycling and herbal support. I believe to unlock the true potential for healing, the body must be cleansed and nourished inside out.

I work with women on a month by month basis to fully embrace the process of cycle syncing.

If you would like to book a one month package with me click the link below for a free 20 min assessment call to see if we are a right fit for each other.